Tuesday, January 8, 2008

January 8

Two of Boo Boo's Favorite Things In starting this project I was excited just to put my hands on my camera and start using it.

Now I realize I have to take it with me everywhere I go, so I can have the ability to seize the moment. For now- I still would like to get some early pictures of my new baby. Sadly I didn't do that with my beloved Bingo. This first picture shows Boo Boo sticking his head out the top of Daddy's shirt. He loves to burrow under all things- blankets, paper towels, shirt sleeves.....

The next photo is Boo Boo playing with an earring. No jewelry is safe around him. The first thing I do before I take him out when I get home is remove all jewelry. That includes zippers, also!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Even BETTER close up of the kitchen table!!!

I think this picture shows the shape of the table better. To be honest this piece was not called a kitchen table, it was called, I believe, an "occasional" table. I might have that wrong! Anyway I decided to make it a kitchen table. The chairs weren't picked out for this table. They go with a card table I have.

We didn't have the funds to do all at once, but we had to start somewhere!

The floor is new also, Pergo. The person that installed it for us only charged us $250. I thought that was well worth saving Rudy's knees and my hands.

Better View of Kitchen Table

Whee!!! This is so much faster for me than photobucket- and easier too.

In my last post you couldn't really see the shape of my table, so I'm going to post a few quick pics. My kitchen nook is really tiny, I live in a townhouse, and the rooms aren't enormous. The table is really only big enough for Rudy and me. I think it is cute, though!

Well, I'm going to show you the perch where my dinner is served to me. I eat with the rest of the flock and they eat in the living room, mostly. My perch is on the kitchen table, bc it has to be cleaned. Also, my mom wants to show you her little table she bought in North Carolina.

Helping Mom surf the Net

Well, I do have to spend some time with my mom also. Sometimes I help her when she is online. For some reason she doesn't want my help typing, but I am a good bird and I come down a lot to see if she wants me to take over. I like walking on her new desk also. Mostly she wants me to stay on my play area, though.

Mini Cage and Downstairs Play Area

So, now I have several other places you can find me amusing myself, and those silly humans. We have the living room area, where my daddy likes to plop himself in front of the TV and throw me on my back and wrestle with me. He just can't keep his hands off of me. I have a cage down here too, with a playgym attached to it. Once in awhile they stick me in the cage because for some reason when they cook they don't like me walking into the kitchen . I'm only trying to help!!

BooBoo's Main Living Quarters

So, now you have met BooBoo. His Hatchday was July 5, 2007. He has the same birthday as my father! I would like to take you on a mini tour of where BooBoo lives hard, plays hard, and eats mmm so-so!
This first picture is Prince BooBoo's sleeping cage. Also it is his hangout cage in the day when we are at work, or when we can't keep a constant eye on him. Note on the bottom is a blue tent. This is where he sleeps sometimes, and also stashes food. We have to remember to look in there bc it is not good to leave fresh food in his cage for too long.
This was supposed to be a small workout room for me, previously a guest room. It is only a 9 x 10 room, but now it is BooBoo's room. This way we can set the thermostat at 60 downstairs, where it seems like it is a good 10-20 degrees colder than upstairs.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Hi! I'm BooBoo! I'm pretty cute, but I'm trouble with a capital T. I'm going to do my best to not let my mom capture it on her camera, though!
Thanks to my friends at the Comfort Zone, I finally will learn something about taking pictures. I don't know if one a day is going to happen, but I will try my best.

I'd like to start out with the most photogenic subject in the house, my big personality in a small package playbird Boo Boo!