Thursday, January 3, 2008

BooBoo's Main Living Quarters

So, now you have met BooBoo. His Hatchday was July 5, 2007. He has the same birthday as my father! I would like to take you on a mini tour of where BooBoo lives hard, plays hard, and eats mmm so-so!
This first picture is Prince BooBoo's sleeping cage. Also it is his hangout cage in the day when we are at work, or when we can't keep a constant eye on him. Note on the bottom is a blue tent. This is where he sleeps sometimes, and also stashes food. We have to remember to look in there bc it is not good to leave fresh food in his cage for too long.
This was supposed to be a small workout room for me, previously a guest room. It is only a 9 x 10 room, but now it is BooBoo's room. This way we can set the thermostat at 60 downstairs, where it seems like it is a good 10-20 degrees colder than upstairs.

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